Tuesday, May 26, 2009

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Our Fish Whiting Fish

Common Name: Whiting-shed, real whiting, sea trout , weak fish stripped

Description: Body fusiform, elongated scales (cycloid). Two dorsal fins, the first with hard rays, caudal fin, face forward with equal teeth. Separate sexes without sexual dimorphism and external fertilization. Average length 38 cm.

Color: blue on the back and white on the belly.

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Common name: Pejerry, Silversides.

Description: This is a fast swimmer, fusiform body, slightly compressed with sharp curves ventrally, head strong bone in the upper mouth and thrusting. It has 2 flaps on the back, the first flexible small radii, being the second largest with a flexible radio, ventral fins do not have mountains or thorns

Color: silver color with slightly iridescent blue and a bright fringe on the edge.

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Effects of cooking meat Seafood Shellfish and cephalopods

Because the fish has little connective tissue, and is very labile, requires a longer cooking shorter at lower temperatures. When hydrolyzed fish collagen to gelatin, the layers of muscle fibers are easily separated and give rise to the texture of cooked fish.

The fish is cooked as soon as the heat coagulated protein solubilized muscle fibers and collagen, so you can easily separate pieces, such as chips, to be pierced with a fork.

should be served quickly to highlight their aromatic elements.

prolonged cooking at high temperatures will cause the fish becomes hard and dry due to excessive bleeding or sobrecoagulación of proteins of the muscle fibers, leaving the fish without flavor, due to evaporation of aromatic compounds.

The lobster and shrimp is a major change in the color. The opaque olive green lobster shell turns bright pink.

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head and chest of these shelled animals are united in one piece. The rear tail-section is called, it found most of the white meat, which is slightly crisp.

have two antennas, two clamps, which serves as a defense and a number of feet beneath meat, with which they move. Crustaceans living

shrink the tail reflexively barely touched, so when you cook should be splinted and stretch, so they are well drawn and so retain the meat.

The most important are: lobster, crab, prawns, shrimp.

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The shellfish designation involves invertebrate animals such as crustaceans and molluscs, crab, lobster, mussels, clams etc., lacking a skeleton, but are coated with a hardened outer layer of calcareous salts.

under the name of cephalopod molluscs are included the marine invertebrates such as octopus, squid, and its characteristic is that they have the exterior covered for protection.

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has no claws, has a great smooth shell attached to the head in brown and blue, which turns to orange-red after cooking.

has two large antennae on the head and stabbing others in the abdomen.

Your medidanormal is 35cm, although there are fish up to 65cm.

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The Crab Lobster Shrimp

Its shape is oval, shell-rugged and hairy. It has plenty of legs

culminating in two clips.

The female crab is more appreciated than the male because of its shape is more round, and even more so if you have your eggs.

As has difficulty cleaning the legs is usually sold separately and clamps besides meat crumbles.

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presents a fragile shell, grayish, pinkish-red.

tender and juicy meat.

have 2 antennas on the head and legs or Interspersed throughout the entire body.

is marketed fresh, cooked and frozen.

come from areas: Mediterranean, Atlantic, Cantabria (Asturias, Basque Country and Cantabria).

In Uruguay:

crab species (family Lithodidae) present in Uruguayan waters:

Lithodes Gender: Uthodes santolla (Molina, 1782); Lithodes ferox (Filhol, 1885);


Gender: Paralomis formosa (Henderson, 1888) Paralomis granulosa (Jacquinot, 1847)

Paralomis longidactyla (Birsteln & V nogradov, 1972)

Description: roughly triangular shell, covered with spines arranged irregularly across the surface like thorns available observed in the legs. These spines are more developed in juveniles and subadults, although some adults may also have them. Rostral region ending with a prominent curved spine directed downward and forward. There are two pairs of smaller spines and subterminal terminal position. Plates of the second abdominal segment divided into a central and two lateral.

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The Mollusks

mollusk means the soft-bodied invertebrate animal, which in most cases is surrounded by an outer shell like a snail or two shells such as mussels and are united by the adductor muscle.

When this is cool its shell closed.

If this open and closes when you touch it means you are alive. If you open

means that he is dead and should not be used.

Some of them are: mussels, oysters, clams, cockles.

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shelled mollusk bivalves equal, elongated, curved side and the other pointed.

Its color is gray-blue or black.

measures 5 cm approx.

The flesh is pale yellow or white to be very meaty and flavorful.

The highest quality found in clear water without impurities.

consumption in cooking it until it opens its shell action heat.

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Clam Mussel Oyster

bivalve mollusc shells mixed.

Its color is brown.

Its flesh is light gray, very juicy and very tasty.

has a slow and takes 3 years for the market.

are classified by size: Small

: its weight is between 25 and 50 grs.

Medium: its weight is ranging from 50 to 75 grs.

Grande: its weight is comprised between 75 to 100 grs.

The others are usually served raw.

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are those whose main feature is not available in the outside shell. Presents

feet or arms in the heads of those who are called tentacles. Some species

have 8 to 10 tentacles, with the edible part and not the head.

ink, produces a special gland which serves to facilitate the escape.

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asymmetric bivalve mollusc.

usually lives buried in sand.

lives in the waters Mediterranean, Atlantic, North Sea.

usually reach 250 kg.

The clam (highest quality), the color of its shell is black and brown.

La Coquina is a small clam, which has two oval shells, living on the edge of the sea something buried. The highest quality is found in the Andalusian coast and emphasizing the higher quality of Huelvay the Bay of Cadiz.

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Cephalopods Octopus Squid

presents an elongated body shaped tube that ends in a point which contains a cartilage bone.

The ink is placed in a bag and release them when they are in danger.

The head ends in 10 tentacles which are used as the body and the ink.

The white meat has a dark red skin and rosacea.

The squid are small squid.

Squid Uruguay:

Common name: squid, squid, lula, squid.

Description: Body elongate, tube-shaped fin at its extremity and head tentacles. Two long tentacles and eight smaller ones, face in the center of the tentacles with a peak cartilage. Big eyes. Separate sexes and internal fertilization. General color brown, varying by the presence of chromatophores on skin, light brown to strong silver flashes. Average length 28 cm mantle.

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8 is characterized by large tentacles and the two rows of suckers that are attached to each of them. Color

It becomes clear that garnet intense when cooked. • Before cooking

should soften its tentacles through either a hit or freeze an hour to break the fibers.

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Paella is a typical dish of Valencia (Spain).

Fish Ceviche (or ceviche) is the most famous recipe of Peruvian cuisine.

oysters to champagne, France. Ceviche of salmon, Chile.

Tempura, Sushi, Japan. Coquille St Jacques

, France.

La Gastronomia:

FISH is undoubtedly the prime element of Basque cuisine:

hake in green sauce

The cod Bizkaia (basically: desalted cod - chorizo \u200b\u200bpeppers, red, dry, medium Onions - Pan the previous day - fine-Salt Olive oil - Garlic - Fish Soup - Flour ...)

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