presents a fragile shell, grayish, pinkish-red.
tender and juicy meat.
have 2 antennas on the head and legs or Interspersed throughout the entire body.
is marketed fresh, cooked and frozen.
come from areas: Mediterranean, Atlantic, Cantabria (Asturias, Basque Country and Cantabria).
In Uruguay:
crab species (family Lithodidae) present in Uruguayan waters:
Lithodes Gender: Uthodes santolla (Molina, 1782); Lithodes ferox (Filhol, 1885);
ParalomisGender: Paralomis formosa (Henderson, 1888) Paralomis granulosa (Jacquinot, 1847)
Paralomis longidactyla (Birsteln & V nogradov, 1972)
Description: roughly triangular shell, covered with spines arranged irregularly across the surface like thorns available observed in the legs. These spines are more developed in juveniles and subadults, although some adults may also have them. Rostral region ending with a prominent curved spine directed downward and forward. There are two pairs of smaller spines and subterminal terminal position. Plates of the second abdominal segment divided into a central and two lateral.
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