Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Birthday In Literature

Review: High School of the Dead (Episodes 1 and 2)

When you hear a title like this, imagine a string of pulled that cast doubt about what is really valuable than a series of this nature can offer. At first, because listen to this title leads us to think about one thing: Zombies, Undead. How much can keep the viewer a group high school boys escaping from a horde of hungry zombies looking to eat them? Well to my surprise, a lot. The first episode is spectacular. A true ode to the classic films of the genre and a tribute to directors like George Romero (Night of the Living Dead).

no reason, without explanation, just happened. This is how a man comes to the gates of the school and bites one of the physical education teachers. Otherwise, you can imagine.

The series is bloody, violent, and offers some "fan service" but all according to the scene and the situation. Never overuse of these items are simply tools to tell the story. The characters (a sextena) are well defined and although at times, we believe that we will be able to predict their behavior, in fact, give us a completely hidden facet of their personalities. That is a true testament of our psychology as human beings. Under normal circumstances act in a way, but in situations of danger, of a completely different or opposite.

Certainly a solid series for this summer. Chapter 3 will continue to see that the truth I could not because I finished the day. A very good recommendation.


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