Domingo. I already have mentioned how much I hate Sunday on a previous occasion. Today woke up at nine o'clock because I put my alarm clock, but I decided, indulgently, stay in bed for a while. Perhaps main reason for the decision was that out of nowhere, I began to remember many things about college seasons and months, and debate between whether I regret having made them or to have left undone. Long past many opportunities that today would not have been discussed between yes and no. O had been discussed but with other parameters of decision.
Today, from nine in the morning, I had a cascade of memories and rattled the waters fell, and he demanded explanations. Now say if I had taken advantage of those opportunities would be a very different person, I would not, perhaps, for better or for worse. I like the way I am but I keep what would have happened pregutarme if ... so many things. I was always tangled
head-not mad, I never say that because actually we're all crazy but few admit it in the sense of analyzing things a lot. Everything has consequences and derivatives, for me. And it is true, but half the time it does not matter. How bad and how good I realized that at 19 years, heh. Is that, now that I think had it not been the case in a child, teenager and even now, contact with my interior would have been different. Subjectivity with which I appreciate things would be radically different. I do not wish piscoanalĂtica-less even though I know that at least three psychologists read my blog xD-but the experiences in life were constructed, and will continue. Forever xD.

addition, after a while of thinking, and deciding to say certain things to certain people who owed them a chance, or with whom I had an opportunity and want to see it, no one remembered a maximum of humanity, which tells us to live in the past does not work in the future we might regret this jumped us.
regret is useless, until we have a time machine to do its job. And the day we have it, I think, would be the first day of many, the universal chaos.
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