Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Moses Water From Rock Preschool Craft


Common names: Trunk glass, Dogfish (English-Uruguay-), shark Cellular (English-Argentina-), dogfish (English-FAO-), Tope shark (English-FAO-), Requin-ha (French-FAO-). Description: Body slender and fusiform. Small to medium size, moderately elongated body. Its head is somewhat flattened dorsoventrally, snout relatively long and rounded at its distal part. Preoral distance approximately equal to the width of the mouth. Horlzontalmente oval and lateral eyes, with peaks suboculares; Lower nictltante membrane, distinct. Vestigial nasal anterior lobes, forming a small angle and pointed, but is not chin. Recognition

: slim body, long snout and translucent aspect, with anterior lobes vestigial nose. Big eyes horizontally oval, with inner membrane nlctitante: suboculares crested. Mouth curved, with moderately long upper labial furrows with its end at the level of the anterior inferior. Compressed teeth with oblique cusps and distal small peaks in both jaws. Second dorsal much smaller than the first, similar in size to the anal fin. Terminal caudal lobe very long, its size is half of dorsal margin of the flow.

Color: dorsal surface and flanks gray-brown, without distinct spots. Ventral surface white.


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