Developed by Namco and published in 1980, Pacman would become the most popular video game of all time. Pacman
born from the hand of Tohru Iwatani, designer of Namco. He went out one night to eat pizza with friends and take the first piece and look at the way that was, was born Pacman.
original name is Paku-Paku Pacman (Japanese for eating), but to reach the United States Puckman romanized the name (in English puck like pac is pronounced in English), but later it was renamed Midway Pacman because the similarities of the words "Puck" and "Fuck."
The objective of the character is eating all the dots on the screen, when passed to the next level or screen. However, four ghosts and monsters roam the maze trying to eat Pac-Man. There are four points larger than normal located near the corners of the maze, which provide Pac-Man temporary ability to eat the monsters (all of them turn blue and slower as Pac-Man has that ability). After being swallowed, the ghosts are regenerated at "home." After a certain number of levels as long as the monsters remain vulnerable diminishes to nothing.
Ghosts in the game have different personalities They are:
born from the hand of Tohru Iwatani, designer of Namco. He went out one night to eat pizza with friends and take the first piece and look at the way that was, was born Pacman.
original name is Paku-Paku Pacman (Japanese for eating), but to reach the United States Puckman romanized the name (in English puck like pac is pronounced in English), but later it was renamed Midway Pacman because the similarities of the words "Puck" and "Fuck."
The objective of the character is eating all the dots on the screen, when passed to the next level or screen. However, four ghosts and monsters roam the maze trying to eat Pac-Man. There are four points larger than normal located near the corners of the maze, which provide Pac-Man temporary ability to eat the monsters (all of them turn blue and slower as Pac-Man has that ability). After being swallowed, the ghosts are regenerated at "home." After a certain number of levels as long as the monsters remain vulnerable diminishes to nothing.
Ghosts in the game have different personalities They are:

The original name was Puck-Man game, but when Midway decided to bring to America, came the fear that machines vandalized pranksters to transform the initial P in a F, forming the main character's favorite word of the movie Scarface. so the name was changed to Pac-Man, and under that title became a bomb, so the new name was also adopted in Japan.
Pac-Man was the first game to include cut scenes. After levels 2,5,9,13 and 17 short scenes we witness mounted with the sprites of the game where Blinky was trying to catch Pac-Man with bad results. Many consider these scenes as the first inclusion of humorous elements in a videogame.
The other half of the world.
IWWWwez Watani Pac-Man design with the least possible violence hoping that would appeal to women, who at that time cared little for games. But started from the mistaken idea that women are not able to taste the violent games, Iwatani-san was successful in its mission and Pac-Man was the first game to attract large numbers of players, and the first to be equally popular among both sexes.
the perfect game.
only get news of a person who has succeeded in creating a perfect game of Pac-Man, that is, beyond the 255 phases of the game and collecting all the items without losing a single life. The author of this game is Billy Mitchell, a famous gamer who also holds records in other recreational activities such as Donkey Kong and Centipede. After 6 hours straight playing, eating every ghost, every fruit and pill, without missing a life, Billy got the highest possible score on Pac-Man: 3,333,560 points. After the feat, Billy said "No return to play a Pac-Man machine ever" the king of kong documentary
Level 256 (To infinity and beyond)
The game is completely playable just 255 screens, this is no accident, as we face the largest number with eight digits can be expressed in binary. Although, technically, there is a level 256, if it reaches the right side of the screen is distorted with inconsistent characters and making the game virtually unplayable. However the game was designed to be played endlessly, but flaws in the programming does not allow this.
The last level as the fans
Wink in Film
In the film we see a small tribute to Pac Man in the movie "TRON"
Not everything is hunky-dory
Despite that Pac man was a worldwide success thanks to the Arcade version of her younger sister Atari version was not as lucky. It was considerate of one of the most bad games along with that of ET
the ideal companion
Ms. Pac-Man did not start the way you imagine. It was a small company called General Computer Corporation, which used the "pan" Pac-Man to create Crazy Otto, a clone of the original in which we drove at a ball with eyes and legs.
was Bally Midway who bought this idea, bartering to poor ball haggard in a female version of Pacman. Namco was forced to add this game to your catalog, not to diversify towards your license. Few expected their tremendous success, being one of the first games in history to call a lot of attention to women.
Pacman to the small screen
Pacman becomes the first game that had an animated series based on the game itself. The producer was Hanna Barbera, with a couple of seasons in the early 80's.
Opening Series
Pacman invades us
The Pacmania pacman-based products are many, ranging from cereals, shirts, figurines, ice cream and etc, but most Curious was the song he wrote Jerry Buckner and Gari Garcia called "Pacman Fever" or Fever Pacman in English that peaked at No. 9 on the Billboard you can see his point here lyric Pacman Fever
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