Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fake Monster Enery Wristbands


only come to notice that my order for half a year to be precise was cruelly broken the last days. I have to say in my defense is that most of the time it was my fault (even depend on my parents to get around some parts and even some teachers have her watch conveniently delayed 10 minutes for longer classes.) I am encouraged by the fact that everything was within reach of my hands was made to avoid delay. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. Is concerned of habit and do not saturate agendas, but these days has been downright inevitable.

Something totally off topic: I hate a lot of people have to go. Pause many things, and some others directly stop, and back to the beginning.

Good start to the week for everyone (oh how good I am!). We want power and lots of patience.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Denise Milani, Nipples

Peoples Centre (VI)

I do not know if the tower of Babel actually existed. In any case, the language difference between the earthlings I think a lot of very interesting social feature to analyze from different focal points.

One, for example, is the ability of humans to understand more than one system of signs if so proposed. That is, besides the mother tongue, people are able to learn what not how many other languages. Learn, understand, apply.

Generally, when you learn a new language, the communication process becomes less flexible. That is, the sender of the message, you must construct a message with a new encoding of words, with which it has not been used. The same can happen with the receiver of the message: you have to decode a series of symbols which is just as familiar as the native language. This "slowness" in the normal communication process is fully justified. However, this slow process is also evident the "slowness" of the translation of our thoughts to the new language, and communication of those thoughts.
Thus, a person speaking a language other than the mother, makes it slower, simpler words, shorter ideas, giving the appearance of being "slow" or stupid. It has happened. It's happened to everyone.

Now, considering that you seem "stupid" to speak another language, there is a possibility indeed be considered a fool by the locals. And consequently, if neglected or abused. One can be a genius in the native language, a master of expression and be as uneducated in another language. Gabriel García Márquez can travel to Japan and a poor-no.

This topic occurred to me on the observation of two things: the Brazilian girlfriend of a friend who has to live with the family of that friend and, with Castilian still in the learning process has to be understood as you can and understand what can. I have the impression that they, the family, think that is an idiot, even by the type of comments they make about it. It bothers me a lot and I can only say two things about it (because it's not my family). Furthermore, there is the same fight in a different language. All insults and nasty comments are made with greater speed in original language. Give examples, but my mom reading this jajajaj.

second situation saw her in a domestic film. The employees spoke in Aymara and English patterns. Not abused or anything, in fact much appreciated, but when discussing it denoted the slow employee communications in response to employers. Employers spoke very fast, and employees, as well as slow, had to keep some respect in his voice.
I left the impression of a perceived chasm between the Bolivian white (mestizo and / or whatever) and Bolivia's indigenous. We have no need to speak their language (which is not only aymara) because they are able to understand and speak Castilian, with limited language resources a language that is not yours. I wonder what a thousand other things want to say and do not know how. I wonder how many employees have to endure some patterns are arrogant, being that they are more capable than a thousand other things. Well, well, we do not go around the bush.

The difference in language in the communication process exists, must exist for a global coexistence. There should, at the same time, a generalized blindness who is better or worse, because everything is relative, and intelligence is the best example of this relativity.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Can I Use Woolite Dark In He Washer

Emetic 9

5 chapters are missing in order to finish the text of my French class. All over.

'm slightly cold, luckily there is the dreaded flu that I can not name and I'm too lazy to search the internet: P

I'm more voluble than ever, but not so bad.

This week I begin to deal with a son of Dad. Strange

walk alone and I feel that I lack the time to do many things that are not mandatory.

I have to increase dose of some things to feel effects. Before it was enough for less, with so little.

Strangely, I am more sociable than before (although I was never anti-social). Now the small talk does not bother me. I always thought it was a waste of time and I never got to thinking that small talk is reached interesting conversations. It does not happen like in the movies, dialogue is not always great at the time greeting a stranger (but every rule has an exception.)

Bridget Jones's Diary movie seems innocent, but I hate the indirect message that sends about how to feel made if and only if, you lose weight and get yourself a man. There are many other categories of goals, by God. I like it the movie, I feel I have control over what I do.

Tomorrow I return to practice in the kitchen, I left these days for lack of time.

I'm glad I kept my purpose of punctuality almost a month ago I decided.

right back, I'll wipe my nose.

time so I was not hungry. Luckily, they were my cravings, if I do not die from not eating anything.

(When) I workout listening to Fall Out Boy. Help me in the discharge of energy.

I waited a long time I touch the photography class in college, and it was time for the moment, it looks good. We already have the first draft. When finished, they are commented.

I'm driving and I still feel that naive excitement of first-time drivers every time I have to drive somewhere. I predict that within a few weeks I will try to take me everywhere as my parents have always done because I go to traffic entediar: P. Well, a-try "a little independent.

I have more things to tell, but not for long. To the next.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Storesoffer Layaway

Today saw the last Harry Potter movie. No matter what I say, I love Harry Potter. Each person has a fictional saga that is a fan. A survey by me the last few years, no scientific methodology and verifiable count-hearing opinions from here and there, shows that the most common sagas are: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, The Godfather and other most infamous, but nameable not least, as Rocky, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park and do not know what else (the idea of \u200b\u200bthe post was to come to talk about Harry Potter, and now I complicate life around trying to remember series of films, bah).

Anyway, just a few hours of the first glow of light which showed the logo of Warner Bros movies on the screen, and the tune instrumental that makes me a thousand heart (by more than now) and still half-submerged in the wizarding world is trying to achieve David Yates, the director. Several people I had been disappointed with the film, saying it was poor compared to the rest and blabla. For people like myself who have read each of the seven books more than once, the movie would be like the trip we felt we needed. The story is felt by each one differently. The subjectivity of the director and screenwriters of the film can differ greatly with each reader but, however, we do not care, is a step closer to feeling in the world we've built in your head, word for word that we will dictating the author (good job, Rowling! xD) of the novel.

No matter that the film has been incredible, to cut the breath, I want more. I hate the book seven because it is the end (lie, do not hate anything about Harry Potter: P)

This is pork-potter. I forget. xD

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Canadian Drivers License Study

JK Peoples Centre (V)

In the group work (in disgust) do not have your own time and depends on the will of others. If you're like me, you think you would if you were all better than them, but do not do it all because the rest has to work. However, we are very concerned about the height, which takes away a little sleep at night, thinking that the rest of the group leave everything for last because he knows the group leader, which in most cases I am I will fix everything at the end, to publish the work or idea.

On the other hand, is in commission activities, work to classes, or whatever, the levels of commitment to The ultimate goal is very different: I also I have other activities in addition to college but did not put them as an excuse for lack of time - win? - to do my part of the job. "Organization" is called that they seek. Wow. Look for her near the "Motivation". And do not tell incompetent just because I do not want my readers to feel alluded / offended.

I half expected a busy.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Where Do I Get /y License Renewed In Columbus Oh

A cup, a dash, a splash People

The other day I started a project: learn to cook.
know the basics, which usually have lunch and not much science in preparation.
My mom cooks delicious, but only weekends, my sister also rich cuisine and I sincerely defend myself. We are known for not following recipes. Not that we are a genius or natural talent, but do not follow directions to the letter. You only have basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe ingredients and a little creativity. Beyond that, I think that something essential in cooking is patience. That is what I have to practice. My mom and sister are retailers, quieter. I am the sort of person who press with the spatula, the steak against the pan to cook faster, and not so, ja.

The very fact that I am an intuitive cook more detailed, and more impulsive than planned, I have to practice a lot. But I'm willing to do so. Meanwhile my permanent judges are members of my family.
My dad loves to cook as my mother is very sincere and corrects me when I have to, my sister is the competition so his criticism is always constructive xD and my brother, well, the brothers are bottomless barrels to sometimes do not distinguish whether you eat meat or chicken is xD.

I wish you luck and more eager to practice. Tomorrow
again to work.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ipa File Converter Online

Observatory (IV)

old ladies are looking to the streets from their doors, children who do not play, retired resting, the unemployed, there is everything. They are public stage sporadic ground or concrete. Look first vacuum with static eyes, Through the gates, doors open, sitting in the galleries, through the bars of their windows or from the railings of the balconies, looking always empty. The sound of a passing car will accelerate your heartbeat. They clench their hands, excited. And when a car is not a passer, but a sound anticipated the excitement of the moment following. Shooting shows that last as long in the street and the depth of view of those who sit to watch.
and stare and turn your neck forward actor's turn. Sad look with interest, expected nothing. Sometimes, when the observed object me, a gift few seconds of eye contact, a moment of recognition for their voyeuristic presence. Here we are, watching while I walk and they support your arms on the fence or in the bars or rails. So we are, until I get tired, or out of my sight, and direct gaze to the front and the presence of the woman, or children, or retired, or unemployed is, again, irrelevant my life and I follow my path and I am more like a fleeting day.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Period 6 Days Late Negative Test

I said

There are so many things to do in life that specialize in one of them is difficult. Especially when one of your hobbies is procastinar things or give up too soon.

have diversified interests is a problem sometimes, when they are many and we do not focus on a few. Says it all over the world: that all trades.

I like the music in its various genres: classic rock, alternative rock, electronica, instrumental, acoustic and other unclassifiable.
I like movies, by gender and form. Gender at different levels, and how various categories.
I like painting and drawing.
photography and cutting-edge audiovisual productions.
history, society, linguistics, geography and anthropology.
fashion as a means of expression.
my career.
the piano.
money. Travel

How can I make room for all that in one lifetime? "A single life?" you think "You can do so much in life that is rare it is termed as 'one'."
not want to choose or give up. I organize myself better. I put all that into my routine in some way and make it work.

I want, and I want a.