Peoples Centre (VI) I do not know if the tower of Babel actually existed. In any case, the language difference between the earthlings I think a lot of very interesting social feature to analyze from different focal points.
One, for example, is the ability of humans to understand more than one system of signs if so proposed. That is, besides the mother tongue, people are able to learn what not how many other languages. Learn, understand, apply.
Generally, when you learn a new language, the communication process becomes less flexible. That is, the sender of the message, you must construct a message with a new encoding of words, with which it has not been used. The same can happen with the receiver of the message: you have to decode a series of symbols which is just as familiar as the native language. This "slowness" in the normal communication process is fully justified. However, this slow process is also evident the "slowness" of the translation of our thoughts to the new language, and communication of those thoughts.
Thus, a person speaking a language other than the mother, makes it slower, simpler words, shorter ideas, giving the appearance of being "slow" or stupid. It has happened. It's happened to everyone.
Now, considering that you seem "stupid" to speak another language, there is a possibility indeed be considered a fool by the locals. And consequently, if neglected or abused. One can be a genius in the native language, a master of expression and be as uneducated in another language. Gabriel García Márquez can travel to Japan and a poor-no.
This topic occurred to me on the observation of two things: the Brazilian girlfriend of a friend who has to live with the family of that friend and, with Castilian still in the learning process has to be understood as you can and understand what can. I have the impression that they, the family, think that is an idiot, even by the type of comments they make about it. It bothers me a lot and I can only say two things about it (because it's not my family). Furthermore, there is the same fight in a different language. All insults and nasty comments are made with greater speed in original language. Give examples, but my mom reading this jajajaj.
second situation saw her in a domestic film. The employees spoke in Aymara and English patterns. Not abused or anything, in fact much appreciated, but when discussing it denoted the slow employee communications in response to employers. Employers spoke very fast, and employees, as well as slow, had to keep some respect in his voice.
I left the impression of a perceived chasm between the Bolivian white (mestizo and / or whatever) and Bolivia's indigenous. We have no need to speak their language (which is not only aymara) because they are able to understand and speak Castilian, with limited language resources a language that is not yours. I wonder what a thousand other things want to say and do not know how. I wonder how many employees have to endure some patterns are arrogant, being that they are more capable than a thousand other things. Well, well, we do not go around the bush.
The difference in language in the communication process exists, must exist for a global coexistence. There should, at the same time, a generalized blindness who is better or worse, because everything is relative, and intelligence is the best example of this relativity.