I was thinking about everything that one expects. From stupid things like a cooking recipe or routine in the shower, the routes for driving to places to go, how to ask permission to leave, we are planning all the time somehow. If it is step by step, we are with a future goal in mind, and that is involved in all plans: "I'm going to bathe, I have little shampoo ay, ay I have to buy shampoo." All the time we're making mental notes, thinking of outstanding obligations and things to do. I think if we were less mechanical the world fall into chaos, by the timing, justice, promises, etc. If we gave all the times we what to do about what we do, the world would have ended long ago (or humanity, in any case, or had disappeared completely what little remains of scruples).
I was always open minded, therefore, of my life what is expected. I never found a classification for what I wanted to be, not wanting to be a smart woman, or hippie, or clumsy, or femme-fatale, not famous, none of that.
marriage never idealized or imagined the house of my dreams or the man of my dreams, or anything like that with which, presumably, all women dream about. I never dreamed or planned, or thought they are matters that will result in the most unpredictable as possible. I know I have not met my "future husband" I do not know where I'm going to live, or if I'm going to marry, if I'm going to change their religion, if I'm going to do vegetarian, if I go away, if I go to shape, if I leave everything to save the world or if I'll drop everything to save humanity. I have nothing planned, nothing important. I like not knowing where I'm headed.
I am happy to say, beyond the years you have, you still do not know what I want to be when I grow up (and I mean my career).

PD: I apologize for the example of shampoo. I do not know what he was thinking x) situations
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